Gov. Rick Snyder has signed a bill into law approving the transfer of ownership of the former Ypsilanti Michigan State Police post to Ypsilanti Township for $1.
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The township contracts for its police services with the Washtenaw County Sheriff's Office, and officials have said the building purchase would allow the sheriff's department to move its operations from the Township Hall to the 8,769-square-foot building on Whittaker Road.
State Sen. Rebekah Warren introduced the bill in May and was hopeful the governor would sign the legislation.
The Michigan Senate passed the bill unanimously last September with 38 yes votes and the Michigan House of Representatives passed it unanimously with 105 yes votes in December.
Snyder signed the bill into law at the end of December, and the transfer has been filed with the Secretary of State.
The post — which sits on 3.7 acres — will eventually house about 45 county deputies and supervisors.
"There will be some modifications to the interior and we are working on the cost estimates, now that we know the legislation has been approved," said Township supervisor Brenda Stumbo .
Katrease Stafford covers Ypsilanti for her at or 734-623-2548 and follow her on twitter.