The Ypsilanti Fire Department is in the process of applying for a $39,498 FEMA grant to help cover costs.
The grant is part of the new FEMA Fire Prevention Program. The Fire Prevention and Safety grants are part of the Assistance to Firefighters Grants and support projects that enhance the safety of the public and firefighters from fire and related hazards
If awarded, the grant will cover all activities related to fire inspections including refresher courses for the department's existing inspectors, initial training for additional inspectors and for training of a new fire marshal.
Receiving the grant would save the city close to $40,000 in costs.
The grant would cover travel costs to the class site at Schoolcraft College and 50 percent of the fire marshal’s salary from April 1 to the end of year.
The grant has a matching requirement of 5 percent and interim Fire Chief Max Anthouard is recommending the city uses professional development funds to cover the 5 percent matching requirement.
According to Anthouard's application, many communities have become safer and have reduced their fire losses after implementing the program.
Before the department officially can submit the application, approval must be granted by the city council. The council will consider it at its Jan. 22 meeting.
The department was denied its request for a $1.3 million grant from the U.S. Department of Homeland Security in October. The request was denied because the department had not actually laid anyone off.
Katrease Stafford covers Ypsilanti for her at or 734-623-2548 and follow her on twitter.