Daniel Brenner I AnnArbor.com
The cooler-than-normal temperatures will be replaced with something a bit more palatable this weekend though, according to the National Weather Service.
The high Saturday will climb to 68 degrees and there will be a calm, 5-to-9 mph wind coming in from the south.
Clouds will move in Saturday night, when the temperature will drop to about 45 degrees.
The only damper on the weekend weather could be a little rain on Sunday. The forecast calls for a 40 percent chance of precipitation after 8 a.m. The high will be near 62 degrees.
It also will be a tad windy, with 10-to-13 mph winds coming in from the southeast. There could be gusts as high as 18 mph, according to the weather service.
For updated forecasts and conditions anytime, check AnnArbor.com's weather page.