The Washtenaw County Board of Commissioners has set a public hearing to consider a proposal from Dexter's largest industrial company' to alter the boundaries of the village.
The company, Dexter Fastener Technologies, made the proposal in hopes to accommodate an expansion to their factory. The expansion would approximately add 16.66 acres to the village, Commissioner Kent Martinez-Kratz said, and also would require the purchase of land in Scio Township.
Dexter Fastener, headquartered at 2110 Bishop Circle, in Dexter, manufactures and markets automotive fasteners such as bolts, capscrews and nuts.
"My understanding is that they want to buy an adjacent piece of farmland and build on the back side of it so that they don’t have to move the factory," Martinez-Kratz said. "They want to stay in Dexter, but increased business requires them to expand."
Expanding the village boundaries would enable the company to remain under the jurisdiction of one planning commission as well as one taxing authority, Martinez-Kratz said.
Martinez-Kratz said both Dexter and Scio Township have expressed support for the alteration, but formal approval is needed before the proposal is able to move forward.
The hearing is scheduled for 6:45 p.m., July 10 in the board room inside the Washtenaw County Administration Building, 220 N. Main St.
Chelsea Hoedl is an intern reporter for She can be reached at