I am writing to urge all of your readers to make their way to the bottom of the back of their ballots on Nov. 6 and vote YES on the library bond proposal.
There are many reasons to support the millage but one is most important to me. As a long-time teacher in the Ann Arbor Schools (now retired) I am aware of the importance of the library to all of our students but especially those students without internet access at home and families with the library as their only source of reference and reading materials.
These students and their families use the library facilities for internet searches, to fill out college and job applications and to write their papers. They need a quiet, safe place to study and easy access to bus transportation (to get) home. Others in our community — newcomers, older residents, and those on fixed incomes — need these services as well.
Our library staff provides the best services possible but they are challenged by the inability to upgrade services to the current building, particularly dated and limited technology. There is a line of students waiting for their half-hour on the computers almost every afternoon, study tables are crowed, study rooms are limited and in great demand by tutors for students and new immigrants.
Please join me in voting YES on the LIBRARY BOND PROPOSAL on Nov. 6.
Robin Wax
Ann Arbor